Cosmetic procedure


Injection method with multiple, superficial injections for a therapeutic effect due to the action of the injected preparations and stimulation effect of biologically active points and reflexogenic zones of the skin. These are the latest, unique, and specially selected combinations of preparations, the so-called “cocktails”. It is made manually or with the help of a mesoinjector or dermapen. The course of mesotherapy treatment is one procedure per 7-10 days, depending on the problem.


  • Prevention and treatment of skin aging, mesolifting.
  • Cellulite.
  • Excess body fat.
  • Atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars.
  • Rosacea.
  • Oily, porous skin.
  • Acne (not acute).
  • Alopecia.
  • Preparation and rehabilitation after surgery, chemical or mechanical peeling, laser resurfacing of the skin.


  • Acute skin diseases.
  • Chronic cardiovascular diseases and their complications.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Acute febrile illness.
  • Coagulability disorders due to illness or the use of blood thinners.

Biorevitalization – the procedure of introducing hyaluronic acid preparations into the skin, which is fully compatible with the human body, it is performed by courses – several times a year. The aim of the procedure is to nourish the skin with moisture and start the production of its own collagen and elastane by the dermis. It is made by courses – several times a year. In one course, there should be at least 3 sessions with intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Bioreparation – is a procedure that suggests the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into the skin as a part of cocktails enriched with peptides, vitamins, antioxidants, which normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level and forms the protective properties of the dermis. Less sessions are required per course – 3. The effect is long-lasting, therefore it is recommended to repeat the next course in 8-12 months.


  • signs of skin aging; wrinkles and loss of turgor;
  • scars and keloid scars, striae and stretch marks;
  • signs of photoaging and age spots;
  • uneven relief of the face skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • dry skin.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the preparation;
  • autoimmune diseases and weakened immunity;
  • acute febrile illnesses;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases and their complications;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute state;
  • oncology.
Contour plastic

Procedures are performed using a needle or flexible cannula, depending on the area of introduction and the desired result.


1) Correction of static and mimic wrinkles and folds by the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid:

  • on the forehead;
  • on the nose (between the eyebrows);
  • around the eyes (crow’s feet);
  • in the nasolacrimal groove;
  • deep wrinkles in the cheek area;
  • around lips (perioral wrinkles and marionette folds);
  • wrinkles on the neck (Venus rings);
  • wrinkles on the chin;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • rejuvenation of the hands.

2) Replenishment of missing volumes of soft tissues, elimination of asymmetry, shape correction (face modeling):

  • increase in volume and height in the area of cheekbones;
  • tip and back of the nose;
  • replenishment of the volume of the cheeks;
  • lip volume increase and modeling of the desired shape;
  • correction of the shape and volume of the chin;
  • correction of the face shape restoring of clear contours;
  • correction of the corners of the lower jaw.

* There are general contraindications for injection methods.

The introduction of preparations of botulinum neuroprotein type A to block muscle activity in case of mimic wrinkles and sweat glands function in case of hyperhidrosis.


  • lift (smooth) the forehead;
  • raise the eyebrows and make the glance more open;
  • eliminate eyebrow wrinkles and folds on the nose;
  • correct the “rays” (crow’s feet) in the corners of the eyes;
  • remove the expression of fatigue, grief and sadness by lifting the corners of the mouth, smoothing perioral wrinkles around the lips and correcting the nasolabial folds;
  • smooth the wrinkles on the neck and neckline;
  • make the face oval more clear – Neffertiti lifting;
  • correct the so-called gingival smile;
  • combined with contour correction, preparations of Botulinum neuroprotein type A can remove even the deepest wrinkles!
  • pause time: while the preparation is acting, new wrinkles do not form. Preparations stop working gradually and when muscular irritability is restored, the face returns to its original state;
  • reduce excessive sweating in the required areas (armpits, palms, feet);
  • the use of mesobotox can correct the excessive secretion of sebum, rosacea.


  • intake of some medications;
  • allergic reaction;
  • dermatological skin diseases in the acute state;
  • temperature rise;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age over 65 years old (individually).
Botulinum therapy

Actually, the procedure is skin scaling, scrubbing, peeling – removal of the upper layers of the skin. This triggers the processes of regeneration, enhances metabolism, ensures the flow of blood and nutrients to the surface of the skin, and restores the skin layers.

Deep cleaning procedures mechanical:

  • Diamond dermabrasion.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Vacuum cleaning.

Chemical acid peelings (alpha and beta acids) of various concentrations and Ph amount and retinol peelings (Chemical peelings can be divided by depth of action):

  • Superficial (about 0.06 mm of epidermis is removed).
  • Medium (up to 0.45 mm of epidermis is removed).

Depending on the type of peeling, the results and the rehabilitation process (whether or not there will be redness, exfoliation, and how long) and the required course differ.

* There are contraindications related to skin condition, general health, pregnancy and lactation.

The fight against cellulite, excessive swelling of the body, sagging skin, other age-related changes and local body fat using mesotherapy methods and the introduction of lipolytic cocktails into the subcutaneous fat. The method can be combined with anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage.

* There are general contraindications for injection methods.

Body shaping

Diagnosis of alopecia problems using trichoscopy methods, phototrichograms during the examination of trichological patients. Work with a specialized computer program in trichology “trichosciencepro” allows to measure hair growth parameters – hair diameter and density, calculation of the percentage of hair in the anagen and telogen phase, etc. for accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of allopecia of various types using:

  • Therapeutic peeling of the scalp.
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Plasmotherapy.
  • Microcurrent therapy apparatus.
  • Cryomassage.

* There are contraindications.

Use of methods:

  • Plasma lifting.
  • Liquid mesothreads.
  • Reinforcing mesothreads based on polylactic acid and polycaprolactone.
  • MesoRadies.
  • Reinforcing methods using flexible cannulas with preparations based on polylactic acid.

*There are general contraindications for injection methods.

Skin lifting